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We all know that regular exercise such as running, going to the gym, cycling swimming, etc. is important for our health, wellbeing and longevity. But did you know that gardening is also considered to be a great form of exercise? Not just for the body but also the mind. There is so much more to...
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Citrus are a staple in any Aussie backyard. They produce bumper crops of zesty fruits and include lemons, oranges, mandarins, limes, blood oranges, grapefruit and cumquats and many more.   Citrus trees would have to be one of our most questioned about plants at Barossa Nursery. They grow really well here. However, can be a...
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I love eating grapes. They are the perfect snack or accompaniment on a cheeseboard. Little bursts of sweetness that are easy to eat (no peeling or cutting required). Children love them as much as adults – No mess, no fuss! Like everything, homegrown tastes significantly better than store bought and you know and control exactly...
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Many of us have beloved fur babies (dogs or cats) that are part of the family and share our homes and gardens with us. When living with a pet it is important to check for dangers in the home which may cause harm. This includes ensuring you have pet safe plants in the home and...
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Do you get on well with your neighbours? Or maybe not so much? Whatever the case, sometimes it’s nice to have a little privacy in your yard. Of course fences are great for this, however, I’d much prefer a ‘green wall’ to look at. Hedges and screening plants come in all shapes and sizes and...
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What to do in your winter garden When we think of winter we often think cold rainy days, tucked up inside by the fire with a hot cup of soup. But not all winter days are so cold and rainy! And on those sunny, fresh winter days there is so much you can do outside...
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‘Old wives’ tales’ – “A widely held traditional belief that is now thought to be unscientific or incorrect”. There are many great old wives’ tales out there, some hold truth, some are quite far from the truth, but all are good conversation starters at the very least. In this article I’m exploring some of the...
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Gardening Advice with Kristee Semmler Often, as our lives get busier and busier, less time is put into ourselves and our mental health. The opinions of others can cause us to have negative feelings and everyday stresses can lead to depression or anxiety. Mental health is a becoming real issue, affecting many around us. Studies...
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Bees are arguably the most important species on Earth. They are responsible for the pollination of the vast majority of our food crops and while there are other pollinators out there (e.g. birds, bats, wind, other insects) bees are responsible for up to 70% of the world’s 100 food crop species. Without bees our food...
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Gardening Advice with Kristee Semmler Autumn is such a fabulous time of year when deciduous trees really show off in all their Autumn glory. Shades of red, orange, yellow, purple and pink dominate gardens and landscapes giving a last big hurrah of colour before leaf fall and Winter sets in. Obviously we have lots of...
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